As you all know Small Business isn’t for the Faint of heart. It’s for the brave, the patient & the persistent… It’s for the overcomer…. !!
Let us introduce you to the One & Only DIDI - the Person behind all of the FABULOUS Didi Designs…
Her Name is Kidest, but everyone calls her -Didi or Didi’ye, Born and raised in Ethiopia, Addis Abeba where she had a great childhood and up-bringing and where her passion for fashion and tailoring grew. From an early age she had passion for creating and designing… She loved playing dress-up with her dolls, and creating fashionable wear for them (She didn’t even know it then… but she got the bug… the bug of creating & fashion - Her Future!!).
Early on she knew… what she wanted to do. She attended school for Tailoring and Fashion Arts, where she learned and mastered the art of tailoring as a vocation.
Prior to starting her own business, she worked at a very well known Wedding Gown tailoring boutique in Kentucky for 8 years, working with Top designers garments, where she mastered all the secrets and enhanced the art of handcraft tailoring.
BIG Believer that BIG things often have small beginnings - Didi Design started her small business Didi Design & Alteration nestled in Lousville, Kentucky. Where she creates, tailors and sells the latest Ethiopian & African Fashion, and many many other Home Accessories, Jewelry, and fabulous goodies.
Please visit our website www.dididesignshop.com and take a look for yourself … we guarantee you are going to LOVE everything.